- 2024.12.19
- 軽井沢国際カーリング2024が閉幕しました
- 2024.11.21
- 期間中<駅~会場>を結ぶシャトルバスが運行します
- 2024.11.12
- 着て、来て!大会Tシャツ等を今年もユニクロUTme!マーケットで販売
- 2024.10.30
- ひと時あなたも憧れのチームの一員に?! 開幕を飾るファーストストーンセレモニー参...
- 2024.10.25
- 2024年大会FanFun(観戦)チケットは11月4日発売
- 2024.12.19
- Yoshimura and Muskatewitz win at Karuiza...
- 2024.11.21
- The free shuttle bus between Karuizawa S...
- 2024.09.27
- Wonderful teams are coming to the Karuiz...
- 2024.04.15
- The schedule of the Karuizawa Internatio...
Karuizawa International is a longstanding curling event held in Karuizawa, Japan, since 1999. Our event has been held to commemorate the Nagano Olympics 1988 (where the first curling competition took place in Karuizawa).
We have been making efforts to realize the exciting bonspiel in Japan and we want to continue and improve it for the sake of future generations.